Jeondeungsa temple
This temple was first constructed, within the area of Samnangseong castle of Dangun legendary, by Priest Adohwasang in the11th year of King Sosurim of Goguryeo era (372) and was named as Jinjongsa temple at first. Thereafter, Queen of King Chungyeol donated a precious jade lantern and this attributed to rename the temple into Jeondeungsa. (Jeondeungsa represent as donation of lantern). Main sanctuary building of the temple (treasure No. 178) is located in front of the temple precinct as passing by the underneath of entrance gate of Daejoru tower. At the sanctuary main building preserved there Beobhwagyeong scriptures of Buddhism which was transferred here from neighbouring Jeongsusa temple in 1544 and the Queen of King Chungyeol donated the bronze water-container and jade lantern.
Historical site where the archives of authentic records of Joseon dynasty was once maintained is situated there as ascending the left hill of 100 meters from the front of Myeongbujeon building.
Joseon dynasty first installed the archive for authentic records at Mt. Manisan and moved them to Jeondeungsa temple in 1660. Thereafter, Jeondeungsa temple had kept historical materials in the archive and was designated as a temple of royal regime with a full support under the guardianship.
The temple bell of national treasure No. 393 hanged in the precinct of Jeondeungsa temple was cast at the Sungmyeongsa temple in the "North Song" of China in 1097. Special features appear; sound vibrating device not arranged there at the top of the bell as differentiated from Korea's one, and beautiful 16 petals of lotus flower are decorated around the dragon neck (bell top), and on surface between shoulder belt and waist belt of the bell inscribed there eight divination sign of oriental universe concept.
In the conflict of Byeongin-Yang-yo in 1866, 50 members of armed Buddhist priest forces of this temple participated in the struggle, thereafter this temple had been regarded as a glorious temple for the national defence. The victory monument in honor of General Yang Heonsu stands at the entrance of the east gate.
394, Ganghwa-daero, Ganghwa-eup,
Ganghwa-gun, Incheon [23037]
Tel. +82-32-930-3114
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