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Craftwork of rush

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Craftwork of rush

Craftwork of rush photo

Rush craft is a representative manual craft only available in Ganghwado region, Hwamun seok mat is made in process that each pure white rush strand is woven in manual and interchangeably with precise accuracy. Small articles of floral chest(gotsam hap) and floral rush cushion(Hwabangseok) are only product of Ganghwado with elegant and beautiful appearance in a sense of ancestral smartness and intelligence. Now it is widely known as a famous manual craft throughout country.

Rush photo


As an annual plantation the stem is consisted of triangle form of dull angles. Being planted in end of May and collect them from mid of July through August. Length of stem is 120cm through 150 and rip them after seasoning. Again soak them in the water and expose them to sunshining after soothing by knife and then Hwamunseok mat would be woven. The manufactured product made of these rush is headed by Hwamunseok mat, and other small articles including Hwabangseok cushion, floral chest, handbag, accessories and etc.

Nylon Yarn

The wild arrowroot was first used in weaving the rush strand and nylon yarn instead used in the same works about 40 years ago.

Manufacturing Process

Rush → cutting → ripping into 3 pieces → seasoning → color fading → dyeing process → manufacturing

Dyestuff for Dyeing

Colored rush pattern is made by overlapping the rush. The basic colors are as follow

  • Red : Yellow should be combined with the flower scarlet
  • Blue : Yellow be added to the blue
  • Purple : Dye purple color
  • Marine blue : Dye marine blue only
  • Black : Add pink to purple
  • White : Dried wild grass of Maryeong is used to make white dyes


Hwamunseok mat were woven with elegancy of Oriental and Korean peculiarity and representative patterns includes crane, wild duck, phoenix, cylindrical old fashioned Korean hat, long bamboo smoking pipe, traditional celadon, grid pattern, ginseng, butterfly, deer, mascot tiger, pagoda, old Korean brass coin, and others in total of 50 patterns. They constantly work hard on development of new attractive patterns.

String Stone of Weaving Tool

In the beginning, the string was made with stone weight, but the arrowroot string was changed to nylon yarn and the stone weight replaced with steel weight.