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The day of Ganghwa

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  4. The day of Ganghwa

The day of Ganghwa

  • Birth <275 person>

    1day 0.75 person

  • Death <696 person>

    1day 1.91 person

  • Marriage <179 person>

    1day 0.49 couple

  • Divorce <109 person>

    1day 0.30 ouple

  • The movement of population <14,167 person>

    come 7,498 person
    out 6,669 person
    1day 38.81 person

  • Localtax <2,362,428 won>

    1person 1,080,513 won

  • Cultural asset <112 each>

    cultural asset 34each
    city 78 each
    gun 19 each

  • Vehicle <33,337 each>

    house 1.07 each

  • Traffic accidents <210 case>

    death 15 person
    injury 324 person

  • Postal Matter <6,881,000 mail>

    1person 101.18 mail

  • Fire outbreak <127 case>

    1day 1.03 case

  • Crime <2,061 each>

    1day 5.65 case
