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Ganghwa Island Rice

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Ganghwa Island Rice

Ganghwa Rice photo

  • The reason for the overwhelming reputation on taste and easy storage of Ganghwa island rice, hot pepper and garlic comes from the differential feature of the environmental advantage for vegetable cultivation and outstanding cultivation techniques. Because of the Ganghwa region being surrounded by the sea, it is influenced by the oceanic weather throughout four seasons and much magnesium contained in the earth soil and this attribute to the crops ripening and make it delicious taste.
  • Also the temperature of day and night is clearly differentiated better than any region of the country, it definitely helps raise up the merchantability of crops.
  • Besides, Ganghwa is located in the mid of peninsula with distinct four seasons difference and all the agricultural water can be available from the underground water and the rainfall.
  • All vegetable could be cultivated with unpolluted clean water which upgrade our genuine value of agricultural product of Ganghwado.